CHRISTINA, EMMA & ROB - 'SHADOWS' FINAL VIDEO from cmdiploma on Vimeo.
Emma's music video blog
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Task one:In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ?
Other video: Micheal Buble and Daisy Dares You.
Shot 1:In this shot it shows a link between the music and visuals, the music has a trumpet instrumental, and at that time a band of trumpet players come into shot.
Shot 2:This shot shows daisy dares you (daisy coburn) laying back singing, she's a pop singer and is therefore supposed to be "seducing" the viewer. She is a young singer attracting young fans and therefore needs to be seen as fun.
Shot 3: This shot shows the main singer with a girl a common theme in the pop genre, it makes the audience drawn in as it makes him seem like a "ladies man"
Shot 4:This shot shows a tea party scene which is seen in music videos like ours for example and also in Alice In Wonderland.
Shot 5:This Shot is a high angle, i really like this shot as you can see everything in the scene and it is making the shot look dreamlike as it looks like the camera is from high above looking down on the preformers.
Shot 6: This shot is an example of lighting, the candles used give an fairytale atmosphere and the lighting is not hugely deliberate which is effective, its quite similar to the lighting used in our video.
Shot 7:This is an example of a mis-en-scene, it is a party scene and the whole atmosphere reminds me of a child like atmosphere with all the confetti, almost like High School Musical.
Shot 8: This has been used before in our video and in Alice In Wonderland the Disney Movie, as they used the Drink Me Bottle Concept.
Shot 9: This shot has been used in various Pop videos featuring young girls such as Girls Aloud etc.. to make them draw the audience in, the shot is personal and therefore is attrctive to the audience.
Other video:Shadows
Shot 1: This shot shows the guitar paying a cord along side the music, it links the music and the visuals together.
Other video:Shadows
Shot 2:This shot shows the audience how the band want to be received. as they are a not very well known band they show a shot of all of the band together with their live instruments to show they are all together as a unit.
Shot 3:This shot shows the bands music genre as they are all playing their own instruments like similar un known bands would, its also a common aspect that an indie band have,
Shot 4:This close up of the singers lips is a common theme in music videos, such as ones by pop bands and singers.
Shot 5: The use of camera in this shot shows the artist playing their own instrument whilst singing, which makes people want to buy their music more as they have both talent in singing and in playing music.
Shot 6:The lighting in this shot is used in lots of music videos, i actually noticed it in a fellow pupils work , who covered Wicked Little Girls, it is a simple effective use of lighting which brings the singer into focus.
Shot 7:This is an example of Mis-en-Scene as the shot is a simple shot of the band preforming, the atmosphere is really professional and bring across the band as a successful band also.
Shot 8:The shot i screengrabed here is actually a shot of the camera circling the band, this shot has been used again in many pop bands videos, and is really effective.
Shot 9: This shot uses really strong lighting which has been used in videos such as Britney spears and also in various band music videos, i also saw it in Wicked Little Girls, a video produced by a fellow long road student.
Shot 1: This shot shows ali playing the keyboard along in time with the music, it makes the vidoe look more realistic and professional.
Shot 2: This shot is how i think the record company would want their artist to be percieved, its a close up shot of the main singer making the viewer feel like they are more 'intimate' with the artist.
Shot 3: This is a shot of all the main singer and all of the characters in the video, this is a good representation of genre, as everything is very vinatge and 'cute' which fits in with the pop genre, as it looks natural and happy. It also fits in with the theme, therefore being an accurate representaion of how the record company wants their artist to be percieved like.
Shot 4: This shot is of max dressed up in a mad hatter outfit. This clearly fits in to the alice in wonderland movie, due to the costume, and the overall atmosphere of the video.
Shot 5: This shot is a of a zoom into the middle of the moving clock followed by a fade. I really like this shot, as the movement of the ticking clock handle makes the image by itself amazing, but the zoom reminds me so much of alice in wonderland, and alomost a going back in time effect.
Shot 6: This shot shows the lighting in our video. We used fairy lights hanging in the tree as our main source of light as well as the little natural light there was. We thought it gave a really amazing fairytale effect, which brought our set to life. I loved the final effect it had on our video and i think it actually made our video.
Shot 7:This shot shows our mis-en-scene. The shot is from the tea party scene, where everything is sped up. I think in that scene in particualr you got a really good concept of what our video was about. You had all the key elements, characters & costume, Main Preformer, Props and the acctual tea party it self. I think as a viewer this moment in time is when the more surreal element comes in to play in our video with the help of the characters.
Shot 8:Unusually this hasnt acctaully been used in a video i have heard of..or seen, but this shot, when i first saw it did remind me of the intro to the music video Girls aloud : Loving Kind. Lots of different lights flicker on and its like a set of flickering light bulbs. Light is a big concept throughout the video, and when filming close ups slight blurred lights are shown in the background.
Shot 8:Unusually this hasnt acctaully been used in a video i have heard of..or seen, but this shot, when i first saw it did remind me of the intro to the music video Girls aloud : Loving Kind. Lots of different lights flicker on and its like a set of flickering light bulbs. Light is a big concept throughout the video, and when filming close ups slight blurred lights are shown in the background.
Shot 9:Although i havnt seen an exact replica of the efect we done on this shot, where charcters change places, (almost like stop motion) I did find a similar effect in yet again, another girls aloud video, Biology. The differnece is that the artists in girls aloud changed outfits with a movement , eg a turn. I think that was really effective and like in our video went with the beat of the music.
Task 2:How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
This is a picture i made on Photoshop to show the links between my music video and my poster and digipack.
The links are:
Colour: The lighting in the music video was quite dark so the colours were quite grey and the costumes were fairly light colours, eg pastels, so therefore in my digipack and poster i made the saturation on my images more to make the images lighter and more of a greyish colour to link them with the video, i also still used light colours for costumes.
Tea Party: In our video the tea party scene was a main aspect of our video and i brought this into my digi pack and poster also. the set for my photos was a tea party on a bed which i thought brought and abstract look to the photos. I still incorporated tea cups and tea party props in the photos to keep a link between the two.
Lighting: In the band preformance scene we used fairy lights in the trees to five a almost dreamlike/fairytale effect. I also used fairy lights in my photos, they were hung over the bed. Although it was quite subtle i think it worked really well and made sure there was a continuous link between my video and my digipack and poster.
Alice In Wonderland: During the video we had people dress up as characters from alice in wonderland to keep up the fairy tale atmosphere. We had Alice;the Mad Hatter;Queen of Hearts and A playing card. Although it was difficult i tried to keep this theme throughout my digipack, however it did not appear in any of my final chosen photos, here however is an exmaple:
These are Alice and wonderland playing cards which were scattered over the bed to give a more Alice in wonderland look to the photoshoot.
Task 3:What have you learned from your audience feedback?
I took all the feedback from my Rough Cut, my Pitch, My final video, and feedback from ben gee.
I decided to make a word cloud as it is more visually interesting to me.
These are all the positive things we were told.
This is my negative Word cloud.
Alot of this feedaback changed a few things in our video for example:
-We tried to put an effect on the video to make the band preformance not as dark
- We covered my giggling with appropriate cut aways
- The blurry parts of the video we layered the same shot over the shot and made the blur look deliberate.
- we made me look better as a preformer by making sure at any point where i wasnt convincing we would cut away to something else.
- The lip syncing we fixed by moving the film along on the timeline, or if we couldnt fix it we would cover the error with a cut away.
All of our feedbak, negative and positive, was a huge help. whether it was a confidence boost or a push in the right direction, it was really appreciated. I also got individual feedback from peers in just day to day chats about our work which was all mainly positive and any negative points they had to make they discussed with me possible ideas to fix them.
Unfortunaltly i was having problems with my computer when we done drafts of our digi packs so i never had that feedback. However when speaking to nick about my final version he seemed really impressed which was a huge confidence boost. He liked the fact i incorporated the same theme from my video in to my digi pack and poster, and also the fact that i took time to take my own pictures for my work, and not just taking them from my video as screengrabs as it gave it more individuality.
Task 4:How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
1: Final Cut- we used this to do all of our editing for our rough cut and our final music video.
2:Myspace: we used this to email Au Revoir Simone so as to get in contact with them.
3:Google: I used google as a search engine to do research in and out of class.
4:Tag Cloud: i used this to help me with task 3 in my evaluation project.
5:Flickr: I used this to find pictures to go on my blog and to go onto my moodboards etc.
6:Itunes: I used this to download Shadows on to my ipod.
7:Photobucket: I used this to find pictures that related to my idea and to use on my moodboard.
8:Facebook: I used this to get pictures for my blog of costumes etc..
9: Youtube: I used this to find influential videos to help me with my project etc..
10:Blogger: This was my Blog where i kept all my planning and research.
11:Photoshop: This is the software i used to edit photos for my Digipack and Poster.
12:Vimeo: I uploaded all versions of our music video on to this and this is where we got feedback.
In the picture there are the following items we used in our video:
Computer: We used this for editing our video and digi pack and also doing any research or blog work.
Camera: We used this to film all of our music video, and we also used this to capture our video on the the Computer.
Tripod: We used this in our video as we done a lot of shooting outside so it was helpfull to keep the camera steady.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
If I Could Go Back...
If i could go back and re do this whole project again, i supose there would be a few things i would change.
Firstly i would make sure we shot LOADS more takes to make sure we had plenty of footage to work with and so we could play around with the video more.
I would of also made sure we shot from more angles, so as to make the video more interesting.
Also as i think i mainly took responsibility for the costume side of things, and although this worked out alright in the end, i would of made sure everything was more organised, along with the costumes for the band also.
Firstly i would make sure we shot LOADS more takes to make sure we had plenty of footage to work with and so we could play around with the video more.
I would of also made sure we shot from more angles, so as to make the video more interesting.
Also as i think i mainly took responsibility for the costume side of things, and although this worked out alright in the end, i would of made sure everything was more organised, along with the costumes for the band also.
Deadline day!!!
This is a screengrab of our time line for our music video.
I feel really happy with the out come of the video annd i think our concept really cam together well.
We Spoke to Nick in the morning and he said we should include more movement in the video, so we looked at that and added some subtle movement, which didnt look too fussy or deliberate and it did really work!
The Steve came along in the afternoon and said that our video had really improved from the rough cut, he mentioned perhaps having the tea party scene in black and white as it reminded him of silent movies.
We discussed this idea as a group but in the end decided to keep it in colour as we thought the video wouldnt flow as well.
After making a few little tweaks our video was doen and i think we were all very happy with it.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Final Poster
This is my poster i made that would be placed in a small music magazine, as the band are not very well known.
I layered images on top of another to make a dreamlike effect and i think it came across really well and i like the imagery.
I put a logo in the corner to say to the reader that you can buy it there.
I put the record company name and website on the poster so if readers wanted to find out more they could.
I also clearly stated the fact that there was bonus features on the CD including behind the scene footage ( we do actually have this as we shot it before filming when setting up)
I have the release date on the poster also and also a quote from a music magazine.
Like the digipack i changed the saturation to make the colours look more vintage and to give a more dreamlike look to the poster.
Final DigiPack
This is my final digi pack.
The image at the top is of the outside of the digipack, the front cover is of the main artist (left) and a character (right)
The colours are taken from the video and flow all the way through the digipack and poster.
The back of the cover is of yasmin, she is drinking from a teacup which links to our music video, and the tea party idea.
The bottom picture is the interior of the Digipack.
I included a quote to make the inside have a purpose and the pictures i think both really complement each other as they are close up on props and they link well together.
On all pictures i made the saturation more to give a more vintage effect and to make the colours more light.
I loved the set and i think the fact it was in a bedroom gave it a more abstract effect.
I linked the tea party theme throughout the photoshoot and i think it gave a really cute effect that linked to our video.
DigiPack font
Au Revoir Simone Tracklist.
1. | Another Likely Story | |
2. | Shadows | |
3. | All Or Nothing | |
4. | Knight Of Wands | |
5. | The Last One | |
6. | Trace A Line | |
7. | Only You Can Make You Happy | |
8. | Take Me As I Am | |
9. | Anywhere You Looked | |
10. | Organized Scenery | |
11. | We Are Here | |
12. | Tell Me | |
13. | Grateful |
Our Secret Record Company
This is Au Revoir Simone's Record Company, and i have listed their name and website on my CD and Poster.
Poster layering
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Student Work.
I found this Poster, that a previous Long Road student made for an Au Revoir Simone song.
I really like colours they used and the texture is really effective. The text is really effective, and i love the framing of the image and the text, and the face at the side of the poster looks really effective.
I also really like the music notes layered behind the image, and i think they fit in really well with the dreamlike concept that i think the students are trying to portray.
CD Adverts.
This is a Magazine Advert i found of Gwen Stefani's CD.
As you can see it has all the main conventions of a CD advert; the image of the CD itself, the name of the album and singer, the record label, and a image taken from the CD cover itself
The text fits in with the singers style and so does the image itself.
Poster ideas.
These are some images i found that i really like and are the sort of thing i would like for my poster idea.
I think the Tea Cup/Party will be the main theme throughout my DigiPack and Poster like they were a big element in my video.
I like the vintage image at the top as that was the theme we were originally going for in our video, and it would be nice to bring that concept back.
I also like the bottom image as i like how the background is black and white and the Tea Cup is in colour.
Wednesday Afternoon.
We finish college at lunch on wednesday so i was thinking of going and taking pictures for my digi pack and poster so they can be more unique and original. I also want to make my images more abstract.
I also need a really interesting image for my Poster, as it is the thing that sells the music.
I was hoping to include the same concept that runs through my video, the whole tea party thing. :)
I really like it and think its really cute. I was thinking about using colours that the brand Cath Kitson uses. They really fit in with my colour scheme and concept.
Digi Pack Idea?
I like the colour theme as they are all pastel colours and quite neutral, and id like to keep that running through out my DigiPack and Poster.
I really like the shot of Yasmin with the Teacup as i really like the framing, however im not so sure about the front cover image, although i do like the concept of the drink me sign, but i think i would like something a bit more abstract.
Pete's feedback for Rough Cut.
This morning Pete came round our groups individually and gave us some feedback. I was the only one in my group there for the feedback so i've got to tell Rob and Christina the areas we need to improve.
The areas that Pete liked were:
- the imagery
- the way we've covered the blurry shots
- the band performance set up
- the fast scene
- the characters shots
- opening shot
Areas for improvement:
- shots need to be shorter
- need to get rid of shots where i look down
- needs more cutaways
- needs to get rid of blurry shots or distort them
Me and Pete had the same ideas for improvement and i think that my group should be able to fix any problems by friday.
Editing again.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Alice cards
Alice in wonderland.
What i learnt today.
Today i actually learnt a lot looking at other peoples music videos, it made me think of things we could do to improve our muisc video.
To be honest i didnt really learn much from our critisism though, as they are all things that me and my group are aware of. For example the giggling, i obviously take responsibility for that as it was my job to preform convincingly, and our group had already discussed this on friday and have said to cover the faults with cut aways.
Overall i think our rough cut was quite strong, and thanks for all the advice it will come in handy when editing this week.
To be honest i didnt really learn much from our critisism though, as they are all things that me and my group are aware of. For example the giggling, i obviously take responsibility for that as it was my job to preform convincingly, and our group had already discussed this on friday and have said to cover the faults with cut aways.
Overall i think our rough cut was quite strong, and thanks for all the advice it will come in handy when editing this week.
digipack research
i have been looking into digipack designs and they all have something extra included in them, i was thinking of adding behind the scenes footage as we acctually have some we filmed which is a bonus :)
I also looked at previous cd covers/digipack designs of au revoir simones for inspiration.
Blurry cover up.
We decided to layer the same shot on top of the origianal and take it slightly out of time, along with a disolve.
I actually think it looked really cool and fitted in with our theme:)
Music Video Feedback (Rough Cut)
Today everyone watched everyones music videos individually and gave some constructive critisism on them, this is the feedback we recieved as a group:
- use of shots
-fading shots work well together
-great atmosphere and composition
-like the background being fast and emma being normal
-atmosphere fits song
-good lip synching
- great opening shot
- nice use of props
-great shot of cards
-feels like a music video already, first chorus made me smile
-variety of shots
-scene set up well
-like the night theme
-amazing opening!
-tree with lights is amazing
-i like how the footage blurs then focuses.
improvemets and weaknesses.
-too dark in some places ( we could try using an effect to help this)
-need less movement from singer ( we cant really do anyhting about that now, but work around it)
-Emma giggling, or lip synching of ( the 'giggling shots we can always use for cutaways, and the cutaways still need using)
-add more cut aways
-use effects to make shots look brighter
-some bits preformer isnt convincing ( we are covering these bits up with cut aways like i said before)
- use of shots
-fading shots work well together
-great atmosphere and composition
-like the background being fast and emma being normal
-atmosphere fits song
-good lip synching
- great opening shot
- nice use of props
-great shot of cards
-feels like a music video already, first chorus made me smile
-variety of shots
-scene set up well
-like the night theme
-amazing opening!
-tree with lights is amazing
-i like how the footage blurs then focuses.
improvemets and weaknesses.
-too dark in some places ( we could try using an effect to help this)
-need less movement from singer ( we cant really do anyhting about that now, but work around it)
-Emma giggling, or lip synching of ( the 'giggling shots we can always use for cutaways, and the cutaways still need using)
-add more cut aways
-use effects to make shots look brighter
-some bits preformer isnt convincing ( we are covering these bits up with cut aways like i said before)
Today i FIANLLY was able to start my digi pack, ive made a good start and am just looking into colours and text id like to use.
Ive so far done the back and front for my design, and think it looks quite good. I obviously need to get my poster done aswell but ill do that later on in the week.
I like the neutral colours for my digipack which go with the naturistic theme that flows through our video.
Ive so far done the back and front for my design, and think it looks quite good. I obviously need to get my poster done aswell but ill do that later on in the week.
I like the neutral colours for my digipack which go with the naturistic theme that flows through our video.
Rough Cut
CHRISTINA, EMMA & ROB - 'SHADOWS' ROUGH CUT from cmdiploma on Vimeo.
This is our rough cut
A lot more needs to be done as there are some bits which need to be replaced with cut aways but we are going to do that this week.
Friday, 5 March 2010
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Digi Pack Feedback.
My digi pack isnt on my blog at the minute as my home laptop is in repair and thats where it is at the moment.
So went round and gave constructive criticism to other members of the class.
I think all of them were really good but some were clearly of a higher standard than others.
Some of the pictures i saw hadn't been edited and were almost a bit bland looking whereas the ones that were edited were of a better quality looked more realistic and professional.
Some people hadn't used their own pictures which i think let them down a bit as it isn't all there own work, however it shows they have a good concept of their idea and their music video as a whole.
Lots of people showed the music genre through their pack which i think was really effective and the imagery clearly works.
A common mistake throughout the Digi Packs and Posters was that they didn't have many of the generic conventions that they should have, for example, Barcodes, Retailers, digi Price, Sponsorships, Reviews etc.. These need to be added so basic marks can be added.
From what i've seen today i know i will make lots of changes to my Digi Pack as i think i need more effective imagery and i need to put more thought into what i'm putting down on to my work, and make sure it has a purpose.
Im going to takes some more pictures later and make sure they are of a better standard.
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Tuesdays lesson.
On tuesday we were at colleridge and we had to basically spend ages capturing our footage. There was so much of it!
I think it was really good to look at the footage before editing as it gives you a better look at what youve filmed, and you get a greater concept of how it could turn out.
The only problem we had, was that, Me and Christina found out that we had a clip of the lip synching missing, which leaves us with less to work with when editin, but im sure we can work around it.
Firstly we synched up the footage so that everything was lined up on the timeline before editing, and then just go from there.
On friday we should hopefully do a lot more editing, and i really have to get started on my digipack! so that should happen on thursday :)
I think it was really good to look at the footage before editing as it gives you a better look at what youve filmed, and you get a greater concept of how it could turn out.
The only problem we had, was that, Me and Christina found out that we had a clip of the lip synching missing, which leaves us with less to work with when editin, but im sure we can work around it.
Firstly we synched up the footage so that everything was lined up on the timeline before editing, and then just go from there.
On friday we should hopefully do a lot more editing, and i really have to get started on my digipack! so that should happen on thursday :)
Tea Party Set Up.
This is the Set up for our tea party scene.
It was a lot of fun however we did worry that we didn't have enough props to cover the table and pull of a realistic set, but it worked out fine in the end.
I think it looks really effective and worked really well.
on monday we decided to shoot the tea party scene.
I think it went soo well :)
We had all the characters and props together and we really got together as a group.
We had decided to try out an effect on a chorus of the filming.
We slowed the track, and then we hope to speed it up in editing so im at a normal pace, whilst everyone else is fast.
However the track was really quiet as it was only on a phone, and obvioulsy the extras were talking so it was quite fustrating, but eventually we got through it.
Overall i think it went really well, and we shall see what it looks like on tuesday.
I think it went soo well :)
We had all the characters and props together and we really got together as a group.
We had decided to try out an effect on a chorus of the filming.
We slowed the track, and then we hope to speed it up in editing so im at a normal pace, whilst everyone else is fast.
However the track was really quiet as it was only on a phone, and obvioulsy the extras were talking so it was quite fustrating, but eventually we got through it.
Overall i think it went really well, and we shall see what it looks like on tuesday.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Tomorrow we are filming the tea party scene at Long road.
We are filming with all our charcters and after reading Christinas blog i get the impression, we will be having the charcters moving fast around me and me at normal speed. We have discussed this before and i still think its a really good idea :)
Hopefully the weather wont be horrible like it was on wednesday, and im really looking forward to filming :)
We are filming with all our charcters and after reading Christinas blog i get the impression, we will be having the charcters moving fast around me and me at normal speed. We have discussed this before and i still think its a really good idea :)
Hopefully the weather wont be horrible like it was on wednesday, and im really looking forward to filming :)
Today i had to go and preform in hannnahs music video.
As soon as they put up some footage i will upload it to show what i done today. :)
As soon as they put up some footage i will upload it to show what i done today. :)
Wednesday :)
We done our filming today :)
It took us all a while to get into it..but after a while i think it started to go really well and i loved the atmosphere as everyone was getting on really well :)
I went to get changed with Ali, Yasmin and Hannah, whilst the others collected the tri-pod and camera etc.. :)
It was the Band Preformance we shot, and we had all the characters on set, but unfortunalty it rained so we had to stop filming and only got to do the band preformance and the cutaway of max. But Most characters really made themselves usefull and were a huge help...and didnt complain about the rain!
We initially had a problem with the the extension lead was so short, but luckily near but was an almost tree?bush sort of layout, which ended up being amazing as it was almost like a little archway made out of trees :)
We then hung all the lights in the trees and me and yas thought it would be cool to hang cards in the trees which ended up looking really effective and making the set, we also had smaller props like tea cups, and drink me bottles which worked well.
We done about 3 takes and then it started to rain! so we had to wrap up and run inside, we didnt want to damage the camera.
I think the footage went reasonably well and i think on friday at the tea party scene there will be more of a positive atmosphere which will make my individul preformance better.
It took us all a while to get into it..but after a while i think it started to go really well and i loved the atmosphere as everyone was getting on really well :)
I went to get changed with Ali, Yasmin and Hannah, whilst the others collected the tri-pod and camera etc.. :)
It was the Band Preformance we shot, and we had all the characters on set, but unfortunalty it rained so we had to stop filming and only got to do the band preformance and the cutaway of max. But Most characters really made themselves usefull and were a huge help...and didnt complain about the rain!
We initially had a problem with the the extension lead was so short, but luckily near but was an almost tree?bush sort of layout, which ended up being amazing as it was almost like a little archway made out of trees :)
We then hung all the lights in the trees and me and yas thought it would be cool to hang cards in the trees which ended up looking really effective and making the set, we also had smaller props like tea cups, and drink me bottles which worked well.
We done about 3 takes and then it started to rain! so we had to wrap up and run inside, we didnt want to damage the camera.
I think the footage went reasonably well and i think on friday at the tea party scene there will be more of a positive atmosphere which will make my individul preformance better.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
In the Morning....
Before College im going to go into town and buy some last minute things for the Band Preformance scene.
I need to buy a Apron for the Alice Costume.
I might go into a cheapy shop and see if i can buy "drink me bottles"
Im going to buy string as i thought we could hang Playing Cards through the trees. :)
If i see anything else i think could work i will pick that up also :)
I need to buy a Apron for the Alice Costume.
I might go into a cheapy shop and see if i can buy "drink me bottles"
Im going to buy string as i thought we could hang Playing Cards through the trees. :)
If i see anything else i think could work i will pick that up also :)
Band Preformance.
Drink me Bottles
Tea Party
Table Cloth
Im trying to think of more im going to add later.
Drink me Bottles
Tea Party
Table Cloth
Im trying to think of more im going to add later.
Today i had to help hannah do her dance..i was teaching Tilly the dance which Tilly, Yasmin and myself will preform in Hannnahs video.
Unfortunatly the video wouldnt embedd at home so i just typed the link to the practice video of the dance, which unfortunatly tilly isnt in.
Unfortunatly the video wouldnt embedd at home so i just typed the link to the practice video of the dance, which unfortunatly tilly isnt in.
Dance Routine. from cmdiploma on Vimeo.
This weeks plan.
Today me and Rob had to come up with a timetable for this week so we can get organised. :)
Tomorrow: After College we are going to shoot our Band Preformance scene, so we need all our characters and the instrumetal props, and also fairy lights.
Thursday: On thursday I have to go to the Junction to shoot Hannahs Music video, and dance. ( see post) so i will be there all day but me and rob thought himself and Christina could do some digi pack pictures.
Friday: Friday morning we are going to do the tea party scene with all props and characters.
Hopefully the weather will turn out alright for the week so we dont have any problems.
Tomorrow: After College we are going to shoot our Band Preformance scene, so we need all our characters and the instrumetal props, and also fairy lights.
Thursday: On thursday I have to go to the Junction to shoot Hannahs Music video, and dance. ( see post) so i will be there all day but me and rob thought himself and Christina could do some digi pack pictures.
Friday: Friday morning we are going to do the tea party scene with all props and characters.
Hopefully the weather will turn out alright for the week so we dont have any problems.
Sunday, 21 February 2010
This is the Weather forcast for next week.
Im slightly worried im not going to lie...
as our video is outside...and in the open, it is going to be a problem if it constantly rains.
Its something we are going to have to discuss as a group, and perhaps work around if it comes to it.
Digi Pack.
im having such a problem with my digi pack.
basically my Laptop at home has i was planning to use my step dads laptop to do my digipack idea....but his has now broken also...
ive now got our really old computer....which wont let me upload any of my images ive taken.
so tonight im going to draft out on paper a drawing of my digi pack...take a picture of it at college and put it on my blog. :)
basically my Laptop at home has i was planning to use my step dads laptop to do my digipack idea....but his has now broken also...
ive now got our really old computer....which wont let me upload any of my images ive taken.
so tonight im going to draft out on paper a drawing of my digi pack...take a picture of it at college and put it on my blog. :)
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Book of Shadows.
Half Term.
So basically during half term we are suposed to be doing our digipacks for our music video. But my computer has broke at i dont have photoshop.
I thought i could go out and take some pictures for my digipack.
I think the images i want wont have people in them mainly just objects
eg. Drink me Bottle..Teacup...woodland area etc :)
Im in Kent at the moment and im going to take some pictures here of the woodland area as its pretty cool :)
I thought i could go out and take some pictures for my digipack.
I think the images i want wont have people in them mainly just objects
eg. Drink me Bottle..Teacup...woodland area etc :)
Im in Kent at the moment and im going to take some pictures here of the woodland area as its pretty cool :)
Friday, 12 February 2010
Test Footage.
L3 TEST FOOTAGE - SHADOWS - Tina, Emma and Rob from cmdiploma on Vimeo.
This is our test footage.
I look disgusting....but its fine.
We done 4 different shots...3 inside and 1 outside.
Obviously in the real thing they are all going to be outside.
I think the best shot was the outside it gave the natural light effect :)
And the Colours of the leaves look really cool :)
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Today we are suposed to be doing test footage but im not sure if its going to its freezing! and Christina isnt here yet..
so i might be going to help Hannahs group as me and a few others have to do a Dance Routine in her we need to practice. :)
We took some pictures on Tuesday of the Costumes were going to use.
They are really quite ive only decided to put up this one..ill take some new pictures at home :)
Im going to take some new pictures for the Alice in Wonderlanf , and Queen of Hearts outfits :)
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
This Morning...
......I had a look at the costumes with christina...and we were discussing extra things we could add to them etc..
I then done some research on Alice In Wonderland put onto the outfit Yas is going to wear, :)
We couldnt really do much as Rob was with another group helping i just done some research :)
Alice in Wonderland Quotes.
Queen of Hearts: Who's been painting my roses red? WHO'S BEEN PAINTING MY ROSES RED? /Who dares to taint / With vulgar paint / The royal flower bed? / For painting my roses red / Someone will lose his head.
Card Painter: Oh please, your majesty, please! It's all his fault!
Card Painter: Not me, your grace! The ace, the ace!
Queen of Hearts: You?
Card Painter: No, two!
Queen of Hearts: The two, you say?
Card Painter: Not me! The three!
Queen of Hearts: That's enough! Off with their heads!
Off with their heads.
I'm not afraid of you. Why, you're nothing but a pack of cards.
Of all the silly nonsense, this is the stupidest tea party I've ever been to in all my life.
Oh, you can't help that. Most everyone's mad here.
Tea party,Costumes, and Props.
This is an example i found of an Alice In Wonderland styled Tea Party i found that someone had created.
These are just some other pictures i found that i really like that show most of the characters we need for the tea party and the setting.:)
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